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Relational Science
Articles & Resources

Learn about how to better know and experience science that is relational, relevant, and connects to body and spirit. First there is the truth in learning, then the action of lifting up these teachings. Learn about how to support science that is "outside" the standard/global science, through protocols of relationality and respect.


Books & Articles

Braiding Sweetgrass. Kimmerer

Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the teachings of Plants

by Robin Wall Kimmerer
citizen of Potawatomi Nation

The Metaphysics of
Modern Existence

 by Vine Deloria
Daniel R. Wildcat
David E. Wilkins

Metaphysics. Indigenous Science. Vine Deloria
Native Science. Greg Cajete

Native Science:
Natural Laws of Interdependence

 by Gregory Cajete
Tewa from Santa Clara Pueblo

sweetgrass braid. koribeading.png

dear big S Science
a poem about the lack of relationality between "big S Science" (global Science) and "little s science" (Indigenous/relational science).

by Kori Czuy
Métis A
ncestors from Big Prairie

Ancestral Science Podcast

Learn about how to better know and experience science that is relational, relevant, and connects to body and spirit. First there is the truth in learning, then the action of lifting up these teachings. Learn about how to support science that is "outside" the standard/global science, through protocols of relationality and respect.

Ancestral Science Podcast

"Soil Builds Property 
from the Land Up
Respecting the humanity and history of soil can help us grow a more resilient future for all.
by Breanna Draxler


Want to learn more
about Soil Camp?

Native/Indigenous Podcasts:


3 Crees in a Pod


"Walking Many Paths, Our Research Journey to (Re)Present Multiple Knowings:
Creating our Own Spaces"

Drs. Melitta Hogarth & Kori Czuy

Pecha Kucha: "Count me In"

What is Indigenous Mathematics?
How can we reconnect our bodies with mathematics?

With Kori Czuy, PhD


Sacred Defenders of the Universe

Previously @ Telus Spark Science Centre,

Mohkinstsis (Calgary, AB)

The newest digital immersion experience at TELUS Spark Science Centre,  Sacred Defenders of the Universe,  transforms the 3,000 square-foot space into a vibrant floor-to-ceiling journey inside a graphic novel that follows four Indigenous superheroes - Aqueous, Embers, Terra and Aireus - as they seek to bring back the balance on Earth between humility and respect for the land, and the excessive destruction of human ego.


More Resources coming soon...


Connected to Land(s) of the People of:
Across Polynesia

People have been journeying across Mother Earth (over Land and Waters, and in the Sky) for thousands of years, to connect with other communities, trade medicines and food, follow migrations, and connect with sacred sites for ceremony

You are never lost when your ancestors the rocks, trees, and animals are around to guide you in connection with your history, the star ancestors, and science of the Ancestors past

Hokulea. Ethnomathematics. Indigenous Science.

Star Science

Connecting knowings of Stars with those of the Earth

People across Earth have looked up to see the same night sky, with each community creating stories from groups of stars in relation to the Lands they connect with. Unfortunately,  Greek and  Roman star stories have become prominent stories in connection to the starsLet's begin to celebrate the diversity of stories and knowledge of the stars from across the World.

Wilfred Buck "The Star Guy"

Wilfred Buck is a member of the Opaskwayak Cree Nation. He obtained his B.Ed. & Post Bacc. from the University of Manitoba.

Learn about Cree and other Indigenous stories of the stars from Elder Wilfred, who has been revitalizing these deeply scientific knowledge. 

Wilfred Buck. IninewStar Map


Download this FREE, open-source app to:

-educate about current celestial events

-connect with location, time, and stars

but most of all

- explore the stories of stars and star clusters from cultures from around the globe


Connected to Land(s) of the People of:
Mother Earth

Turtle Island. Indigenous Science.

Many people ask me "how do I start on my reconciliation journey?" I reflect on suggestions that I have heard from many Elders, "you have to first learn about yourself, your ancestors, and the Land(s) you are connected to." Reflect and think about where you were born, where you live now, where do you play/travel to, and work, then use this website to help you learn more about the people that thrived on those Land(s) thousands of years ago. Where are those peoples now? Do they still thrive on those Land(s)? What happened between those peoples during colonization? What is your/your ancestors connection to this history? What can you DO today to support these peoples, their history, science, culture, ect..?

Whose Land do you thrive on?

Read the Truth:

Take Action:

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